The story of Ash ketchum It cannot be explained without the sympathetic Pikachu. The young coach Pokémon, who dreamed of being the best in the world, always wanted to carry it with him, despite changing the season after season.
Many have been the adventures that have lived together in the regions of Kanto, Hoenn, Kalos, Johto, etc. Different Pokémon rivals, coaches and, of course, thieves who tried to get the talented electric Pokémon, such as the Team Rocket. Many of them can find them in our collection of Pikachu clothes.
The link that was created between them is undeniable, perhaps because it was his first Pokémon or perhaps because he always accompanied him outside his pokeball, making him one more traveler with Misty, Brock, Aura, Max, etc. Ash always had a special affection with each of his captured Pokémons, but none as strong as he had the little one Electric Pokemon.
But many will ask why Pikachu never evolved to Raichu after reaching such an amazing level. We have the answer in one of the first chapters of the first season, when Ash faces the lieutenant, leader of the gymnasium of Carmine City, and is defeated by a very strong Raichu.
It is at that time, in the Pokémon Health Center, when the young coach knows the secret to make Pikachu stronger; through the thunder stone. This is because there are pokemons that cannot evolve for themselves and need this type of magical stones to increase their power.
However, Ash asks Pikachu that if he wants to evolve having the thunder stone in his hands. The negative response of Pikachu at that time is clear, since it wants to win the future rematch with its original form.
And so it was, Pikachu, once recovered, he managed to defeat Raichu In an exciting fight where the intelligence and speed of Ash's pokemon surpassed that of the Lieutenant arises. From that moment, it was clear what the intention of the proud Pikachu was.
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