Women who have conquered the geek world

In Fiking We want to make our own tribute to women talking about those who have contributed to the geek world with their stories and jobs, so that today we can enjoy their creations as good Frykeers.

Although today the term Geek It is closely linked to the male image, more and more geeks are more than claim their place in the geek world both consumers and producers.

From the beginning of the Science fiction the women They have wanted to make a place in this world so predominantly masculine, and an example of this is the acclaimed writer Mary Shelley, that in 1818 he published his novel Summit: Frankenstein. Since then it is known as the Mother of the SCI-FI and is recognized in the entire world for its gothic futuristic productions. Another writer who stands out for her fantastic work is J k rowling, that although he has received negative criticism in recent years by transphobia, he is still the creator of the wonderful world of Harry Potter, that so many fans harvest throughout the world. The Potterheads They have established themselves as a group of geeks with great weight in the collector and cosplays market.

However, the geek world par excellence is that of anime, which has many followers throughout the world and has the comicons as a key meeting point. That is why it should be remembered that women have also had a significant role, although not so numerous, in this area. The name of Naoko Takeuchi It is one of those who resonates for the creation of the iconic anime of the 90s: Sailor Moon. Takeuchi studied pharmacy at the university, but always wanted to draw and already very young he received the award Nakayoshi Comic For Newcomers and Nakayoshi New Mangaka Award.

In the cinema there are many heroines that have marked the history of science fiction and fantasy, including the figure of Carrie Fisher, the actress who played the Princess Leia. Leia's role granted worldwide fame as the heroin of the Geek world, was nominated four times to the Saturn awards of science fiction and also named Legend Disney. Within the world of cinema there are many figures of women who resonate as Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Cate Blanchett, Jodie Foster, Marion Cotillard, and the classics Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn either Elizabeth Taylor.

In the world of superheroes, women behind the big screen are sweeping. Many of the great directors of today have been recruited by Marvel Studios to direct the latest adaptations of comics, demonstrating that women not only have papers as actresses but also as directors and an important part of the production team. Some of the directors behind the latest cinematographic productions of superheroes are: Chloé Zhao Director of Eternals, Anna Boden behind Captain Marvel, Patty Jenkins that debuted with Wonder Woman and Rogue One, either Cate Shortland with Black Widow.


The geek world is definitely not a men's thing, Geek women They are sweeping the universe of cinema, video games and manga, so well tall and proud to be Frykers.


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