Lemon Tee "Better Together" T -shirt: The moments in Madrid are always sweeter with chocolate and batons. This original t -shirt pays tribute to one of the most beloved traditions of the capital, with a charming design that presents a fun duo: a cup of chocolate and a bull sharing the moment. Perfect for those who love the essence of Madrid and its small pleasures, this garment will allow you to carry with you the unique flavor of the city anywhere
100%organic t -shirts: 100% organic cotton, 175 g/m².
100%organic sizes:S (49/69cm) - M (52/71cm) - L (55/73cm) - XL (58/75cm) - 2xl (62/77cm) - 3xl (66/79cm)
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https://www.friking.es/en/products/camiseta-organica-unisex-better-together9229611204936Better Together L162Lemon Tee "Better Together" T -shirt: The moments in Madrid are always sweeter with chocolate and batons. This original t -shirt pays tribute to one of the most beloved traditions of the capital, with a charming design that presents a fun duo: a cup of chocolate and a bull sharing the moment. Perfect for those who love the essence of Madrid and its small pleasures, this garment will allow you to carry with you the unique flavor of the city anywhere
100%organic t -shirts: 100% organic cotton, 175 g/m².
100%organic sizes: S (49/69cm) - M (52/71cm) - L (55/73cm) - XL (58/75cm) - 2xl (62/77cm) - 3xl (66/79cm)
CERTIFICATION- 100% OCS BY INTERTEK LICENSE 139218 - ORGANIC BLEEDED.https://www.friking.es/cdn/shop/files/30115.jpg?crop=center&height=300&v=1732828144&width=300https://www.friking.es/cdn/shop/files/30115.jpg?crop=center&height=100&v=1732828144&width=10017.9517.950.00.0
AllLemon TeeLemon Tee - Unisex Organic T -shirtsLemontee - TourismLemontee - Tourism Madridcamisetas orgánicas unisexLemon Teeturismoturismo madridLemon Tee2024-11-29T14:06:36Z