Original Class of 90s Saquito. A gymsack with adjustable laces for its closure. There is no better way to carry all your things than in our 100% environmentally respectful geeks. Made of certified cotton that guarantees the absence of harmful or irritating substances for the skin
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https://www.friking.es/en/products/gym-sack-class-of-90s8594424758600Class of 90s - 114Original Class of 90s Saquito. A gymsack with adjustable laces for its closure. There is no better way to carry all your things than in our 100% environmentally respectful geeks. Made of certified cotton that guarantees the absence of harmful or irritating substances for the skinhttps://www.friking.es/cdn/shop/files/2388.jpg?crop=center&height=300&v=1695322117&width=300https://www.friking.es/cdn/shop/files/2388.jpg?crop=center&height=100&v=1695322117&width=1007.459.952.525.13
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