Fiking curiosities

Rick and Morty, the animated series inspired by...

The animated series is beating audience records since its premiere in 2013. 

Rick and Morty, the animated series inspired by...

The animated series is beating audience records since its premiere in 2013. 

Learn about Morty, Rick's favorite grandson

The teenager is one of the protagonists of the animated series that is causing furor with his grandfather. 

Learn about Morty, Rick's favorite grandson

The teenager is one of the protagonists of the animated series that is causing furor with his grandfather. 

Rick's past is revealed in the fifth season

The craziest scientist in the animated world knows his past after scanning Rick C-137's brain. 

Rick's past is revealed in the fifth season

The craziest scientist in the animated world knows his past after scanning Rick C-137's brain. 

The reasons for the success of Rick & Morty

The American animation series has been at the top of the Spanish audience for almost 9 years.

The reasons for the success of Rick & Morty

The American animation series has been at the top of the Spanish audience for almost 9 years.

All Sailor Moon transformations

The Sailor Moon series being quite extensive, has different variants and several transformations that can be somewhat liose. Therefore, in today's post, we tell you all the transformations of the...

All Sailor Moon transformations

The Sailor Moon series being quite extensive, has different variants and several transformations that can be somewhat liose. Therefore, in today's post, we tell you all the transformations of the...

Sailor Moon, the animated series that influence...

The most famous 90's warrior left a great legacy beyond the Japanese art of anime and manga. 

Sailor Moon, the animated series that influence...

The most famous 90's warrior left a great legacy beyond the Japanese art of anime and manga.